

印度/謝麗娟和廖華才宣教士夫婦/2010 年7月代禱信∼




宣教士Beni 的差派禮: 麗娟在上週末到Nagaland 省的Wokha鎮去主領宣教士Beni 姊妹的差派禮, 路途很遙遠而且是顛頗的山路. 主日下午大雨傾盆, 因為沒有下水道, 40分鐘的大雨使得此山城中所有大小馬路全部變成湍流的溪河, 麗娟生平第一次遇見這種景觀. 當地人說, 每當下大雨, 小鄉村的情況更是可悲! 從下面的照片中, 您可以看到沒有鋪柏油的路面因著大雨而下陷, 造成大卡車卡在路上. 我們感謝神保守麗娟此次行程的平安, 也保守我們每一次行程的平安. ?
我們在印度東北的事工及信心之旅也像此大卡車的行程一樣, 並不是一直都很順利的, 有時也會卡在路中. 因著一些問題, 常使我們感到挫折,失望, 甚至受傷. 求神幫助我們在印度東北的信心之旅中, 能有由神而來的謙卑, 堅毅及忍耐.










寡婦的二個小錢: 上週主日當麗娟在Wokha鎮時,從Beni的鄉下的母會有五位姊妹來拜訪麗娟. 她們來為麗娟禱告,也要麗娟為她們禱告. 她們的姐妹會籌募了印幣一萬元(約台幣七千元) 要給宣教士Beni , 她們對神的愛及對宣教的熱心實在感動麗娟. 神使她想起聖經中那寡婦的二個小錢, 這些鄉下的姊妹們多數是作農的, 從她們辛苦得來的微薄收入,她們慷慨的奉獻給神的宣教事工. 而在鎮上的富有的大教會卻不願支持他們的宣教士. 神實在使用祂那些卑微貧寒的百姓的來使那些富足高傲的羞愧!

Asule: 她的胳臂窩被蟲子咬, 因發炎而疼痛不堪. 求神醫治.
Guites 一家: 求神幫助他們在孟國的工作簽證續簽能被當地政府核准.
F.C.’s 一家: 求神幫助他們能找到合適的管道申請不國的工作簽證.也求神賜智慧給他們學習語言.
Peseyies: 求神幫助他們在泰國中部的適應, 也幫助他們繼續有智慧學習語言及建立友誼.
Remlal: 我們將在本月15日呈遞他的迦納簽證申請, 求神開路, 讓他順利拿到簽證. 他預計在八月12日前往迦納.
Beni: 她需要再次修改護照上的姓名, 求神恩待幫助. 之後必須申請肯亞的工作簽證.
Buata: 他必須做所有文件的公證,然後送到肯亞申請工作簽證, 求神幫助.
Hiakei and Renteingong: 求神幫助他們募集所需的支持費,他們的母會不太有宣教異象, 求神為他們開路, 使他們能到蘇丹事奉.

家庭方面: 請繼續為華才頸椎的骨刺問題代禱, 求神引導我們該到哪家醫院看哪個醫生, 也求神賜下醫治. 我們常經歷四面來的攻擊, 求神更新我們的心力, 異象, 及體力.?? ?

衷心的感謝您的關心,支持, 及代禱, 我們深知若沒有您的代禱, 我們實在無法在這許多的爭戰中存活. 在您每天與神同行及同工之中, 願神賜夠用的恩典給您.


華才, 麗娟及頌恩


Dear brothers and sisters:

Greetings from Shillong, North East India!

Praises: Thank you for your prayers. Debbie's hectic week (last week)?in preaching in Garo Baptist Church (GBC)?and teaching in NECTAR (missionary training center) went well. She spoke on "Worship" in Shillong GBC and God blessed the message and congrgation was greatly encouraged.??It was a new topic (inductive Bible study) for most of NECTAR trainees and was a bit difficult for them to accept in the beginning. But God helped them and they were very blessed at the end of the week.

Missionary's visas and work permits: We are applying our missionary appointee, Remlal's visa to Ghana. We have all his documents ready and our travel agent will submit his application to Ghana embassy?on 15 July. Please pray that he will be able to get his Ghanaian visa.?He is planning to leave for Ghana on 12 August. Please conitnue to pray for work permit renewal for Guites serving in Bangl*desh. Please pray for F.C.'s family serving in Bh*t*n?to be able to find a way to get work permit.

Travelling: Debbie is invited and informed today?to go to our missionary Beni's commissioning service which is on 11 July (this Sunday). She will need to travel with a night bus and then another 5 hours the next day to reach Wokha town in Nagaland state. Please pray for safe journey, strength, good health?and God's anointment in preparation and preaching. Please pray for God's sufficient grace for Laiu and the kids at home.

Family news: Laiu's neck is hurting him these days. He has cervical problem (Lordosis). Please pray for healing for him. Thank you for praying for our niece's entrance exam and nephews's admission. Our nieec, Rodi passed the exam and may go to Kolkata to study "Homepathic medicine" this month. Our nephews, Ephraim and Biephei have got admission to study "commerce" in colleges in Shillong. Please pray for wisdom and self discipline for them to study well. Vanoh continues to enjoy his study and his 3 cousins at home. Please pray that he will be obedient.

Thank you so much for your love and prayers.?God bless you.

Together in His mission

Laiu, Debbie and Vanoh??



  • 地址: SIM North East India, G P O Box 66, Shillong- 793001, Meghalaya, India
  • 電話: +91-364-2534086(住家);  手機: + 91-986-331-1132 (華才),  +91-986-341-3272 (麗娟) 辦公室: +91-364-2544319
  • Email: 辦公室- sim.in.nei@gmail.com; 麗娟 : debbie.fachhai@gmail.com
  • 奉獻: 請註明是為支持費、事工費、個人禮金、或印度東北區宣教計劃
  • 劃撥帳號為:19789423?? 戶名:中華基督教國際事工差會

